Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CSI Ottawa

Right in downtown Ottawa, a collision between a pedestrian and a dump truck took place at around lunch time. The man was trapped underneath the truck and pronounced dead in a hospital slightly later. The roads were blocked for almost the whole afternoon for polices' investigation. I felt sad walking past the scene. Accidents could happen anywhere and anytime, sometimes it so close to you without you even realize it. Be alert, be aware and be prepared. Take care of yourself and people around you. RIP mr. pedestrian.


  1. This post got me thinking. It's so important to be aware of your surroundings, even if the environment seems safe. Always look twice before crossing the street. Never trust the drivers, make sure they're looking at you before you cross, even if there is a stop sign or the lights are red. Although pedestrians have the right of way, there are some unreasonable drivers. It's true accidents can happen but a lot of it can be avoided if someone is paying attention. Take care Nui, be careful out there!

  2. That's sad.

    I feel safe in Canada traffic wise compared to Thailand (sorry!) but still, trucks and cars don't always pay attention to pedestrians.

  3. Ha ha Zhu, that is true about traffic in Thailand compare to here.
